Monday, September 14, 2009

Amor De Mi Alma: You Are the Love of My Soul

Yo no naci sino para quereros;
Mi alma os ha cortado a su dedida;
Por hábito del alma misma os quiero.

Escrito está en mi alma vuestro gesto;
Yo lo leo tan solo que aun de vos
Me guardo enesto.

Quanto tengo confiesso yo deveros;
Por vos naci, por vos tengo la vida,
Y por vos é de morir y por vos  muero.

I was born to love only you;
My soul has formed you to its measure;
I want you as a garment for my soul.

Your very image is written on my soul;
 Such indescribable intimacy
I hide even from you.

All that I have, I owe to you;
For you I was born, for you I live,
For you I must die, and for you
I give my last breath.

~ Garcilaso de la Vega (1503-1536)

Here is this lovely poem set to music by OSU's own new Director of Choral Activities, Z. Randall Stroope.