Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Book Cover

Steph made a couple of mock-ups for the cover of my novel last night and this is the one I've chosen.  It's really happening!  I'm about to become an author! 

Click on the image to enlarge.


  1. Congrats! Good luck with the marketing, that's the next hurdle!

  2. Not overly concerned about marketing at this point. My goal was to write a novel and publish it. That's the beauty of print-on-demand self-publishing. At this point I'm mostly concerned with getting it out to friends, family, and aquantances who are interested in reading it. I just wanted to tell this story--that was my biggest goal and I've met it. What happens to it next is up to the powers that be.

  3. The cover is beautiful! And well done to you!! I so admire people who set a goal and achieve it!

  4. Rispa Frances: Thank you. And thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. :)
