Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The dreaded Bradford pear tree

Every year I dread March. Don't get me wrong, I love the spring, but I hate what it does to me. The biggest culprit is the Bradford pear tree. Yes, that gorgeous tree laden with thousands upon thousands of tiny white blossoms is poison to my system. I go through about two weeks of pollen hell every March because of them.

Today I feel as if I have an entire bag of cotton stuffed in my head and an elephant standing on my chest. I'm counting the days until the end of the month when they're all bloomed out.


  1. Poor Wanze... Keep your inhaler close-by!

  2. Enthusiasts of the films of Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski (Blind Chance, Dekalog, The Double Life of Véronique, Three Colours Trilogy, etc) are invited to drop by my chatroom at the Brasserie Alizé on the anniversary of the director’s death, this coming Friday evening, 13 March 2009, from around 1800 GMT. Please pass on the invitation to others and hopefully see you there!

  3. I just now realized that I used the same picture. Sorry!

  4. Just means we both have good taste! :D
