Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Talk

A couple of days ago, Steph posted a meme on her blog that simply listed 10 things that made her happy, so I'm grabbing that meme and posting it on mine today. Feel free to grab it from me and use it for yourself if you're so inclined! My happy things are in no particular order.

1. Fresh, clean, bedsheets.
2. A basket-full of scented bath soaps.
3. Sitting at the piano and singing through my Twenty-four Italian Songs & Arias.
4. Listening to my CD of Mozart piano & violin sonatas.
5. Sitting in bed with Steph with both of us working on our laptops.
6. Waking up early in the morning to find Steph still awake and spending an hour with her cuddling, talking, and laughing before I have to get up and get dressed for the day.
7. When my kitty gets up in my face and kisses my nose.
8. When my daughter calls me all excited to tell me that she made a 100% on a really tough exam.
9. When I look in the mirror and realize that I don't look too bad for being almost 50.
10. Napping on the couch with my warm nothing (we call our soft micro-fiber blankets our "warm nothings").

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